EIS 5000 High-Speed Analyzer
- All Steel Cabinet with Smallest Footprint
- Modular Component Drawers
- Integrated OBDII Tester
- 4 or 5 Gas Analyzer
- Patented Thermal Sample Chiller
- Integrated Zero Air Generator
- Integrated Gas Cap Tester and Adapters
- Contact & Non-Contact RPM Probes
- Wired or Wireless 2D Barcode Scanner
- High-Quality Computer Components with Windows OS
- 22″ Mounted LCD Color Monitor
- Certified over 19 Years with Mustang, Clayton and Maha Dynamometers
- Standard Warranty Included
- Purchase, Finance and Rental Options
- For equipment orders, please email:

Designed and Manufactured in the U.S. using premium quality components to ensure high throughput testing and equipment longevity for High-Speed Connections
All components necessary to perform the State mandated vehicle emissions inspections for vehicles in the State of Nevada
Integrated Zero Air Generator offers a more cost-effective and environmental friendly solution for necessary zero air gas
Patented Thermal Sample Chiller reduces temperature of sample BEFORE it enters the system to provide longevity of equipment and a faster, more accurate diagnosis
OBDII Manual Mode provides the ability to verify a vehicle is ready for inspection and information for vehicle issue diagnosis
Integrated Gas Cap Tester and Lightweight Stant Adapters provide a user-friendly, efficient and cost-effective complete gas cap testing solution
Field Service Technicians and Remote Technical Experts provide the largest service and support network in Idaho to guarantee less downtime
Diesel-Powered Vehicle Testing
For Diesel-powered vehicles subject to testing, the Opacity Meter must be connected to Worldwide’s EIS 6000 in order to perform the State’s required Opacity testing on Diesel-powered vehicles.
- Connection with EIS 6000
- Lightweight and Mobile for user-friendly solution for diesel testing
- Durable and robust for shop environment

Nevada Emissions Control Program
Since 2000, Worldwide has been the sole provider of certified inspection equipment in the Nevada Emissions Control Program. Certified by the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles, Worldwide has provided approximately 500 inspection stations statewide with certified inspection equipment and inspection software as well as trained all licensed personnel on proper operation of inspection equipment. Worldwide continues to support its network of inspection stations with a strong local support infrastructure and remote service.
The program includes BAR-Certified inspection analyzer development and distribution, inspection software, and assistance in the development of a state-of-the-art vehicle inspection database.
OBDII, Tailpipe and Diesel Loaded Mode Dyno testing are all required in the vehicle inspection program in Clark and Washoe Counties. Services from Worldwide include facilities recruitment and inspection network management, training of all necessary personnel, technical support and call center, onsite repair and maintenance of all components of the program.
Approximately 1.5 million vehicles are successfully inspected each year using solely Worldwide equipment.
Worldwide continues to work with the Department of Motor Vehicles in Nevada to ensure that all testing equipment in the network is up-to-date and secured using the latest technologies. Worldwide continues to implement new solutions and technologies in the Nevada I/M Program primarily to provide the necessary tools for successful program operation, but also to ensure compliance with all EPA rules and regulations.
For equipment orders, please email or call 800.832.7664 or 714.990.2700.